How to Arrange Friendly Matches in Football Manager?
Friendly matches are very important for FM players because we can estimate what is good and what is bad in the team. New players, tactics, A and B team …
It is necessary to create a good atmosphere so that the morale of each player have the status – Superb!
In the end, only the results are remembered that will determine the first 11.
When I manage a big club on Football Manager, a tour of America and /or China are the best solutions for the beginning of the new season.
Each match has a large number of fans, and there is a financial gain.
However, other rules apply to clubs from the weaker league. Then my goal is to make preparations in the “neighborhood” or to play a match against a strong opponent at home.
But let’s see what options are available in FM world.
A Number of friendly matches for the preseason?
A magic number does not exist. Somebody will say 7, and someone XY. It matters to me that I have 22 players who will compete for a place in the First Team.
If the situation is similar in the B team, then there is no room for panic. Now the question can be posed: what can be a problem? Key player’s injuries!
If there is no substitute a difficult start of the season is expected.
Therefore, one should be careful …
I think 6 friendly matches are enough for the preseason, and at least 4. The distance between matches must be at least 3 days.
Each player can spend (maximum) 45 minutes on the pitch.
The first match is training – a weaker opponent and a little more visit. After that, I’m looking for a heavier test option.
Tour, Cup and League
I rarely use these options. If the team has a winter break, I choose a “tour”. I can freely say that this is a good replacement for training camp.
However, B team and Under 19s have my green light to organize a Cup or League.
I think there is more room for experimentation …
Manage Friendly Matches
The whole process of arranging friendly matches can be tiring. If my task is only the First Team, then that’s OK.
But imagine the situations where B team and/or Under 19s have no competitive matches (their own league).
Then the only option is a friendly match or the previous three options. A loan to another club is an award for the best!
Otherwise, the players will not have the motivation to train and the attributes will progress slowly.
I haven’t wanted someone else to do this job.
Every week, I carefully choose opponents for my players.
But if you think this is boring and hard, let a staff member do the job for you (staff – responsibilities – first team).
Choose an opponent
We have seen that it is not difficult to arrange a friendly match. Five clicks are enough and the thing is solved.
But sometimes the opponent can be a problem.
In other words, what FM offers automatically is not good for us. Why? We want to play against the team (a certain day) that we choose!
Therefore, Football Manager has enabled this option. The only problem can be the date and money for a friendly match.
My advice is that you send a friendly request one month in advance to the address of the desired club.
Big clubs do not have time to lose!
I suggest you take a look at the next mini gallery …
Sale and purchase of players
Regardless of whether you want to buy or sell a player, there is always the possibility to place an arrange friendly clause in a transfer offer.
It has the most effect if you sell a player.
This means financial gain, a strong opponent and a lot of domestic fans in the stands.
That’s it. If I miss something, please leave a comment below. If you have a complaint, suggestion or proposal, send e-mail 🙂
Author: Alen Stefanovic Game: Football Manager 2017
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August 2, 2019 @ 12:12 PM
Dear Mr. Alen,
May i know how friendly matches run!
for example, when match agent arrange the match, does he look after the private things of the visiting team, such as launday, water bottles, fruit, how many meals, car of the head of the delegation, etc.
August 2, 2019 @ 1:12 PM
Dear Mr. Waleed,
You just have to send a request to your preferred team and then get a response in your inbox. That’s the whole process. I would love to see some of the options you mentioned. I honestly believe that the new version of football manager (FM 2020) will have some improvements when it comes to friendly matches.
Greetings to you and thank you for your comment.