What to do when players are unhappy with the training workload?
There will always be players who will not be satisfied with the training regime (workload), no matter how hard a good system we try to make. In most cases, this is a small group of people.
But big problems can arise! For example, you have a player who gives his maximum in training but can not find a place in the first 11.
He must wait for his chance, although he is among the 23 best players in the club. Why? The team’s stars have the advantage as their training results go into the other plan.
In this way, a system that is not good is made. There is no competitive spirit for a particular position in the team.
Individuals have privileges, and someone’s efforts are not rewarded. Then what follows? – Request for transfer or loan.
There are no green arrows next to the player’s attributes because the main problem is “workload”.
In fact, the lack of motivation is the cause of everything. Therefore, it is necessary to “withdraw” some smart moves.
Number One: Scheduling
Attention should be focused on the training-team-scheduling option. The choice is between more or less match preparation.
If I moved the indicator to the right, I would make a big mistake. As a result, I’d have discontent in the team and frequent injuries of players.
This refers to a longer period of time. But if the indicator was set to the left or center, it would mean that the workload is no longer Very Heavy than Medium.
In this way, better results are achieved.
It provides an opportunity that young players gradually progressing, and those who want more have individual tasks.
Number Two: Lack of Discipline
An interesting notification arrives on the first of the month. It’s an email that shows you how your players trained in the previous month.
If I just looked at and clicked on “continue”, I would make a new mistake. Why? Because I would miss the opportunity to praise or criticize someone.
Normally, the good news has priority.
As can be seen, a few players have achieved good results and will certainly be among the First 11 in one of the following matches. But … It does not go according to plan.
Two players did not take the training seriously! I have to say that one player has a “First Team” status.
I would not like to apply unpopular measures. The rules are the same for everyone, but there are several ways to solve the problem.
The first step is conversation or criticism. I am very happy when a player accepts the fact that he has not given the maximum in training.
There is no need for discussion because the problem is partially solved. I withdraw him from the team and get a chance from the bench.
However, some players will not react like this. He’ll try to convince me that I’m wrong.
Anyway, they can choose the following options: Move to Reserve Squad or U19 and Warn Player Transfer/Loan List. There is no discrimination …
Number Three: No Rush
It is not necessary to wait for the above report to see who is good at training and who does not. I can check at any time.
But sometimes I look at the profile of the player and then a surprise awaits me. In addition to his attributes, there are red arrows down.
I immediately get upset and think how to “motivate” this progress.
However, if I would decided to punish this player immediately, I would probably have a counter-effect. Why?
It would be a hasty and unfair decision because I did not check if it was confirmed in the training – overview option.
As you can see there is a difference. This is a little trap prepared by Football Manager, but it’s not terrible.
It is important to take one step forward rather than two steps back.
Number Four: Training Workload
Now I will show you how you can put a smile back on the face of a player who is bothered by workload.
If there are more of them in the club, it’s no problem. You just need to make a selection and talk to them. I suggest you take a look at the next mini gallery.
It can be concluded from the enclosed that I had eight unhappy players but at the end only one. Of course, this can not be done after 2 months spent in the club.
It takes time and a good place on the table. Then it’s much easier. But … The key to everything are system and discipline!
Author: Alen Stefanovic Game: Football Manager 2017
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